Cost Example


(black-and-white-interior with color cover)

$799 setup

$300 original cover design – optional

$399 *Simple ebook conversion (see details below) – optional

$1498* TOTAL

* $399 Minimum fee for conversion to both MOBI format, which is what Amazon uses, and to ePub, which is what everyone else uses. If your manuscript contains more than two interior graphics, or if it contains tables, footnotes, or other complex items, an additional fee will be required. You will receive a firm quote before any payment is requested.



✔ Merge multiple chapter/section files together.

✔ Create your title pages, copyright page, etc.

✔ Format your manuscript to the printer’s and ebook retailers’ specs standards with your input.

✔ Automate your table of contents

✔ Remove all double blank spaces in the manuscript (these are no longer necessary with word processing programs)

✔ Indent paragraphs when appropriate (all tabs must be removed for compatibility)

✔ Fully-justify your text – or not. Your choice.

✔ Widow/orphan control

✔ Add drop-caps – or not. Your choice.

✔ Individually discuss your wants and needs, and deliver the first formatted files to you for any change requests. Once changes have been made, you will send the file back to PubPreppers and we will finalize the files and send those to you for distribution and listing at the firms of your choosing. If you have changes to make after the files are approved, we will need to go backwards in the process so additional fees will apply.

✔ Provide you with copies of your production files.

✔ Provide you with links for listing your book (print and electronic), and recommend a printer and distributor.


Cover Design

Examples of covers created by PubPreppers’ designer:

  • $300 Original PAPERBACK Cover Design
  • $400 Original HARDCOVER Cover Design (larger than paperback, and has flaps)
  • $650 Original PAPERBACK/HARDCOVER COMBO Cover Design (one of each)


OPTIONAL Add-ons / À la carte

Note: If your manuscript already contains these items, and they do not need correcting, you will not be charged extra for including them in the print version of your manuscript.

  • Graphic insertion, resizing – $5 per graphic
  • Table Creation or table correction, resizing, and/or manipulation –  $2 per text line in final table
  • Index- automated – $1 per term/phrase (An automated index allows you to update the page numbers with the right click of your mouse button, PubPreppers will not work with a manual index because manually updating page numbers wastes hours of time)
  • Automated footnotes/endnotes – $1.00 per note
  • Chart/Graph Creation – Individual quote required after consultation with PubPreppers’ designer.
  • Graphic acquisition – Individual quote required after consultation with PubPreppers’ designer.
  • Drop-caps – included at no charge if requested by author.

Other: If there are other services you’d like us to perform on your cover or manuscript, please let us know. We will be happy to either provide a quote, or to refer you to a specific professional with that expertise.


CLICK HERE to send your manuscript to Angela for a quote
. You can also ask any questions you may have at that time. We will review your submission, and will send you any notes/comments, as well as a quote for the work described above.